Thanks ah Anna for the spatula or whatever that thing is called. I had always keep all these sweet gifts from friends as my priceless possesions. Waahaha........ I actually keep the "Doggie" card thingy which Josephine gave me when i was Sec one till now. Haha....... All the birthday cards by Weiyi, Ziyun had been neatly tuck into the drawer. Sweet memories yeah.......
Woot....... Finally the term break....... But its for mugging and catching up lost time. Bah...... Gotta clear AS individual, group, BGS group, IS individual. Bah....... And also the mid term for BGS....... Kakaka........
Oh yah..... forget about it....... Spineli's Tiramisu just so so........ Bah....... Waste my $4.40........
Once again thanks yah, Anna..........
While i was happily reading away at the novel on the train, somebody patted me lightly on the back. I turned without any idea who it will be and saw a face which i found vaguely familiar. It took me liked 3 seconds before i blurted out the name, 'Isaac'. Gosh...... It had been a while since i last saw him. He had changed alot but the refined look of his still intact. Woot....... Really darn excited to see an old good pal. Really great to know he is doing fine. Miss ya dude and stay in touch......
Perhaps somehow it goes with age. The older i get, the more i value my friends. Its really a very different kinda mindset i had last time. Woot.......
Woot..... Just had a freaking intriguing chatting session with my bro. Talked about life, family, love and career. He is really my life mentor. Really the lighthouse in my darkest hour of my life. I simply could not emulate him in terms of sensibility.
Shit has definitely toughen all of us in the family. Its really some hell hole we went through together. Though sometimes i always blamed the circumstances at that particular point of my life but Bro always able to see things in a different light and in a much more wiser way than i see it. For that i will always respect him because nobody can ever understand the helluva fark shit we went through.
I have always blame that shitty thingy, but not Bro. He have always take it in his stride and use it as a motivational factor in his life. Always keepng focus on what he always wanted.
I have never missed my family before in my life. Not even when im away from home in a foreign land for several months, not when im in the stink hole of conscripted military shit. But maybe now i do feel that i missed my Bro....... So for that Bro, this entry for ya......
Take care in Japan dude....... Cya back home in Jan.......
Just caught "White Chicks"...... Lol...... Though a no brainer but certainly cracks me up...... Quite hilarious...... So peepz, go watch it.......
Jo didnt turn up...... Bah quite sad. Hoping to see her after like a few years but she got held up by some stuff....... Too bad, so maybe next time gal.......
Been sleeping late and guilty of not jogging for a while now....... Not good Ray, not good....... Sigh~~~ i wanna stop slacking already....... Im losing my focus......
Can somebody chase after me with a spatula or pull my ears or something...... heehee......
Im crazy and cranky once the small hand hit three....... Tick Tock, Tick Tock...... Time to sleep y'all....... You lazy mutha fucker......
So nitez all.......
Bah....... Devils advocated for a night out in China Black and i got tempted along. Those freaking devils are LN, Anna, Jiahui, Ed, De Chao. Bahahaha....... And i got to know two more peepz which is Selene or Cherlyn or something and May. Bah...... I really really gotten quite sick of clubbing already but everytime i would still go for fear of missing out loads of fun with pals. Anyway the night wasnt that bad though.
Would be meeting Herman and Josephine later in the evening for some catching up session. Really really do hope Jo would turn up as i haven seen her in YEARS.......
And im Pauper Ray now...... Bahaha...... Sad sad pauper Ray....... Would enjoy tonight as tomorrow gotta go back to school for some project meeting. Yeah, you heard it right. Tomorrow, SUNDAY, Back to school, Project...... Thats freaking SMU for ya...... Anyway i still think im fortunate coz im now chatting with Ker Choon and she is in school now for Biz Law and gonna go back tomorrow too........ Wakakaka...... At least im much more fortunate.........
Cheerios peepz.......
Woot....... Finished "Kiss The Girls" in just two days. Damn...... All along i was putting my money on Kyle to be Casanova but it turned out to be Ruskin. Not bad for a read (Warning: Its addictive) but still not half as good as Dan Brown's and slightly lacklustre to Grisham's....... Those two definitely my all time favourite.
Would be checking out "Along Came A Spider" by James Patterson next....... Gotta dropped by San's later before heading to school for my AS project meeting.......
Joey not going for the project meeting and that kinda sucks...... Hoping to grab the next few Naruto episodes from him....... Arrrrgggghhhhh......... I wanna watch Naruto....... So any peepz out there who have any lobang...... Kekeke...... Know what to do huh........
Cheerios folks............
Woot...... Fresh and recharged after sleeping my whole afternoon today. Dedicated today for R and R after enduring through what i perceived as hell week. Bah...... Just another excuse for procrastination hur hur.......... *Wink wink*
If i could read my text as dutifully as i read my novels, i would easily be a Harvard,Stanford or MIT scholar by now. Wakaka......... This current read by James Patterson just so addictive. Im already halfway through and raring to finish it in one shot. Its really quite good yah though the title sounds girly; Kiss The Girls......... So quite thankful to Jiahui for the introduction of this author........ Thanks gal.........
Rented "Finding Nemo" and would probably catch it later in the night. Woot....... Im loving it.......
A couple of phrases in the book were quite funny and unique. At least thats what i thought so im sharing it......... Here goes;
"Not In Your Wildest Wet Dream"
"Busy As A Son Of A Bitch"
Cheerios y'all........
Bah....... Blogger getting cranky again.
Hell week almost over. Hang on, Ray........
Finished IS 101 assignment, AS presentation, BGS Elevator Pitch and CT presentation. Tomorrow would be a IS 200 presentation and test.
Woot..... Bring me back to my childhood. Where i lived such a wonderful life free from worries and problems. Its not that the life im leading right now is in turmoil or something. But its just so different being a child. Perhaps the saying is right;
"Ignorance is bliss".
So happy playing with Yoggie everyday and yearning to watch the next episode of teenage mutant ninja turtle. Always sneaking out from Po Po's apartment just for a game of "block catching" or "hantam bolah". All the neighbourhood kids would congregate under the playground for some exciting game of "Police and Thief".
The lyrics of this song is so darn darn meaningful:
Unhappiness where's when I was young,
And we didn't give a damn,
'Cause we were raised,
To see life as fun and take it if we can.
Thats the perfect Utopia im yearning for in this world. Though i dont think its quite possible. All the paper chase, rat race driving everyone insane. If only i could drop the burden of life and escape into my own serene world. Be with someone i love and live a life of us two with a fishing boat and small hut.
Will that happen??? I hope so.......... But it just seem so far from the harsh reality that we are all entrap in now. Sigh~~~
---------- Ode To The Family ----------
Understand the things I say, don't turn away from me,
'Cause I've spent half my life out there, you wouldn't disagree.
Do you see me? Do you see? Do you like me?
Do you like me standing there? Do you notice?
Do you know? Do you see me? Do you see me?
Does anyone care?
Unhappiness where's when I was young,
And we didn't give a damn,
'Cause we were raised,
To see life as fun and take it if we can.
My mother, my mother,
She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there.
My father, my father,
He liked me, oh, he liked me. Does anyone care?
Understand what I've become, it wasn't my design.
And people ev'rywhere think, something better than I am.
But I miss you, I miss, 'cause I liked it,
'Cause I liked it, when I was out there. Do you know this?
Do you know you did not find me. You did not find.
Does anyone care?
Unhappiness where's when I was young,
And we didn't give a damn,
'Cause we were raised,
To see life as fun and take it if we can.
My mother, my mother,
She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there.
My father, my father,
He liked me, oh, he liked me.
---------- Ode To The Family ----------
Wakakaka CM4 is ruining my life. Im doomed.
Tomorrow would be the IS 200 individual assignment deadline. Next Monday the IS 101 deadline and im still happily playing CM for consecutive 12 hours straight today.
Woot...... Ray, Your the hero. Bah....... Somebody please delete the game off my notebook or im gonna flung all my modules.
Bah........ And i skipped the morning class today. Woot..........
Lmao........ The creative thinking class with Prof Kirpal Singh was darn hilarious. Out of the blue. i suddenly remember a racist joke about Singhs wearing pampers on the head and i told LN about it. LN immediately burst out into laughter and i got infected by it and laugh like hell too.
The pampers joke just got reminded by itself whenever i looked at the Prof's bright blue turban. And quite frankly the turban looked a little like a pampers and a bright blue one at that. It seriously darn darn funny. I controlled damn super hard not to distract the class but i guessed i did not succeed as a matter of fact. I got out of the class just to have a good laugh. Imagined how moronic i looked laughing at blank walls when passersby saw me. It had been years since i had such a hearty laugh.
And the basket LN did not helped but made things worse for both of us. Whenever we thought that the joke had settled then a giggle by either LN or me got the whole thing started again. Lmao....... Imagined im still laughing when im typing this entry suggested how freaking hilarious it was.
Btw....... Im no racist with regards to Sikh. So peepz please do flame me.
Woot....... Finally completed reading "The Partner" after a couple of months since i rented it. Patrick was just too smart to escape the justice from lotsa crime. Really a good plot with lotsa twist. The ending was a sad one though. Patrick got screwed real bad by his partner.
9/10......... Interesting read. Go get it............
I liked this quote;
"Nervous as a whore in church"........... Lol........ What a description........
Gonna have a good sleep tonight and tomorrow would be a brand new challenge ahead.
Next book probably gotta be the James Petterson novel which Jia Hui mentioned.
Nightz all........
Bah........ I looked like a freaking sixties mafia boss now. Please peepz....... Dont laugh at me when ya see me anywhere. At least dont do it openly. Bah........ Actually wanted a do some streaks on my hair as i always wanted but then the hair dresser advised against it stating that it would not turned out well as my hair too short. And so i only did a layer of base colouring. It took me a while before i decided on a dark brown tone that would not be that striking. Boo hoo hoo........ The colour did not turned out to be and instead came out light brown and made me look like some dick head.
Arrrrgggghhhhhh............. No matter how i looked in the mirror from a million dimension, i figured i only fall into two categories of appearance. An uncle with big gold chain around his neck and a jade bangle on the wrist or a poser that dressed like some hip hop shit hoping to look like a Japanese super star but never is.
Hmm....... Felt like a loner during the frisbee session in campus today. Felt real bored of the game all of a sudden. Perhaps its the people?? Im not too sure. I hope i am just tired thats all.
Just got back from the badminton IVP. It had finally come to a close today after a gruelling two weeks duration for the team. Though SMU did not manage to get into the semi but i am feeling darn optimistic about the next year IVP. This year was the first time SMU entering the IVP and i thought we did quite well considering the fact that most players lacked competive experiences after a void of two years in the NS. We made quite an impressive debut into the IVP scene. I figured next year IVP would be dominated by the three Unis.
Oh yeah, on a side note........ Lotsa the team members agreed that the third singles umpire look cute. Wahaha........
Four consecutive morning classes has taken a toll in me. Feeling darn lethargic everyday. Six hours of slumber would be the best case scenario in recent weeks. I really need a coma to recover.
*Yawn*...... Bah....... Darn tired. Officially completed half of the individual assignment of IS 200. One more class till the end of the day and really looking forward to it. Pray that the ground's not gonna be soaking wet with that noon downpour as i got my sporting gear with me and i wanna destress by playing some frisbee but not in muddy pitch.
Theres still a mind bogging IS 101 individual assignment. Bah...... Really hate that one helluva crap.
Bah....... Seeing all the muggers around me made me seems guilty while im blogging in the midst of faithful textbook lovers in the library. Gonna go for a project consultation with my BGS Professor BurkHard.
Arrgghhhh...... Freaking stressed by the IS 101 module. The business concept is freakin darn abstract. Darn freakin hard to analyse the business process based on a consumer perspective. SCM(Supply Chain Management), ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM(Customer Relationship Management), SLA(Service Level Agreement), BPR(Business Process Reengineering)........ Arrgghhhhh all the freakin TLA (Three Letter Acroymn) killing my already depleting brain cells. Maybe im more suited to scream all the TLA in vulgar. I could think of a few off hand and its not mother fuckin difficult to comprehend to say the least.
Gonna need a organiser to update all my deadlines. Just blog it in case i forgot some of it.
Analytical Skill:
Fallacies Argumentation(week 6 and 7)
Two News Paper Articles (week 12)
Group Essay(week 12)
Creative Thinking:
Presentation (week 7)
Business Government and Society:
Individual Report(Cleared, Yipppeeee)
Group Report Elevator Pitch(week 6)
Group Report(week 12)
IS 101:
Individual Report(week 6)
Presentation(week 13)
IS 200:
Individual Project(week 5)
Bah........ As im happily typing out the deadlines of "ONLY", come on peepz, lets repeat it together in a harmonious melody, "ONLY", projects. The sleeping and leisure time would be dramatically decreased to null. Woot...... What a exciting life........ Bah......
Any SMU students interested in mass genocide??? Please asked me along.
Rat poison, Cyanide, Carbon dioxide poisoning??? Any takers.........
Bah........ Im so insane, i could emulate Happy Tree Friends. Wahahaha..........
K k....... Enough whining....... Back to work........
Its now 0325am and i just got back from an eventful night. Had a great supper over at Chomp Chomp....... Stingrays, Sotongs, Hokkien Mee, Chicken Wings were brought up plate by plate onto the table number "24". The food was quite yummy however i still prefer Bedok "85" market. The usual crapping sessions would just roll into the agenda effortlessly. Im so full of shit......
Ed had classes tomorrow morning and so Ed and Jia Hui shared a cab back home. LN,Anna and me then had a second crapping sessions near Anna's apartment. Took some photos using LN mobile and surprisingly the photos were quite pretty. Though the texture a little grainy but i liked the overall effect it had over the pics unintentionally. Gonna have LN sending me those pics.
Oh yah....... We got screwed by a resident for making such a din at this kind of unearthly hours. Its so embarassing. Lol....... The rebuking did not deterred us and we moved into a place where our voices would not echoed. Touched on several topics and we really had a hearty discussion. Especially the F.R.I.E.N.D.S part, hahahaha.......... oooohhhhhh, i just loved scandalous stuff. Lol....... But once again it sets me thinking about some stuff. Just blogged it in detail sometime.
Then a mysterious guest joined us. His effort was really commendable. But on a side note, what Anna was pissed about it was probably quite true too. LOVE aint really that simple. Anyway i gotta get some rest. Long day ahead.......


Gangster Pose......


Pow Wow OG
Got a shock when i stumbled upon Diane's blog. She mentioned her birthday was approaching once again. I still vividly remembered her 21th Birthday party when i was there then. A year had just wheezed past me and i had not really noticed it. "Time and tide waits for no man"
Peishi finally emailed us the Pow Wow photos. Haha....... I actually forgotten about the photos thingy until her email got into the ever so full SMU inbox. Spent some time traversing through and i really liked it. Thanks to Peishi yah........ Must really get my OG out to expend that NYDC voucher or its really a waste for putting up that Drag show. Lol........ Shall post some pictures of the Pow Wow......
Going for a jog then would drag my big fat ass down to Chomp Chomp to meet up with Anna, Jiahui, LN, Ed and probably Joanna for supper.
Busy as a bee. Thats probably the state im in right now. Though its tired and all but at least its fulfilling in a way.
I would liked to think that the Curry Powder saga's over. His attitude changed slightly as he was on a more pro-active approach towards the group project. Maybe i should not be so judgemental in the first few meetings. Am i right or am i wrong?? Probably only the Almighty Curry Powder God would know.
Going for a jog to "cleanse" the mind. So many things on my mind. Work, social, life, love...... Its all clinging on to the weary mind.
Had a chat with Hui Ying, Jia Hui and LN today over at Ficus. It got me thinking.
Am i really skeptical of that magical feeling called LOVE. Or probably just a nice lame excuse to get out from that dating game. Do i longed for it? I seriously do not know. I do not understand myself.
Am i superficial? Deep down i know i am not but however i always displayed it that i am. So am i or am i not? Once again i do not know. Hahaha....... Im real weird. Sometimes i am always displaying the other side of me to the world. What is the real inner being of myself? Is there a real side of me residing somewhere?
I have evolved since different phase of my life. The phases seems vague and abstract but i know its there. Should i start being myself?
Once again a queer entry.
Quirky or philosophical. I rather the latter but i know i am not.