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![]() Cheap Deals!!!! _________________________________________________________________ Friday, August 18, 2006 Woooot...... Been a while since my last entry........ Some updates on my life yeah....... The Cancer Thingy has officially ended; I raised $478 out of it....... This is my largest raised amount in any form of donation drive........ Thank you everyone who has supported the drive......... Largest pledge belongs to Lena Oh....... Haha....... She happens to be Natalie's mum......... :p Auntie is always so generous........ :) Thanks Tim and Gan as well....... The only two online pledges........ I have also kinda ended my army stint........ Im only left with the ORD administratives matter to settle....... The FFIs and clearance......... Wheeeee....... But this also marks the start of the ten years cycle of reservist........ Boooooo......... Nat is back from the States about a week ago.......... Nice to have her back........ She gotten me two very nice tees........ My kinda colours........ Lol........ Thank you so much dear....... :) LTB's work starting to pour in........ Just received my class list for the coming semester......... A good mix this time round........ But no one that I know of is in my class......... Back to the same old administratives routine of LTB yet again........ My final semester of being a HTA........ Gonna be great......... Involve in Convocation 2006 to usher the VVIP........ Chancellor and President of SMU........ I felt that its rather lame to usher someone for just like 4 steps....... But I guess my presence in a formal suit and pants there will prolly triplefold the importance of anyone I usher....... Lol....... Oh well...... Its fun in some way i guess....... Reading still at Sophie's World........ Kinda slow but its really quite mentally taxing and challenging......... Thoughts provoking......... Two books on my shelf on standby........ The latest was given to me by Nat....... "Tell No One" by Harlen Coben........ The blurp coupled with Nat's recommendation makes this much more appealing......... Will update once I read it......... SMU's the second law school in Singapore....... Good news in a way........ Gonna know more lawyers other than Candice, Kao and Zhe Xian....... Lol....... School is starting in another 3 more days......... Looking forward to it to a certain extent....... Same aim........ Chionggggg ahhhhhh.......... Cheerios peepz....... _________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, August 08, 2006 Watched "Braveheart" for the third time....... I suddenly had this urge to rent the movie and watch it....... I always feel very emotional whenever I watched it........ The children of Scotland hur hur........ William Wallace......... I still remembered when I was doing my very own "Leader I Have Known", I suggested William Wallace as one of the options....... But we chose to do the Emperor of Qin instead......... William Wallace should be a very good topic to do......... I simply love his war rallies........ In fact, Im a sucker for war rallies on epic and military shows........ The lousiest one still belong to Orlando Bloom in "Kingdom Of Heavens"......... So heres one from Braveheart which I liked at the battle of Stirling...... An exchange between William Wallace and the army....... William Wallace: Sons of Scotland! I am William Wallace. Second Soldier: William Wallace is seven feet tall! William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse. [Scottish army laughs] William Wallace: I AM William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my country men, here, in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight? Soldier: Against that? No, we'll run, and we'll live. William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! [crowd cheers] Brilliant....... There are also some hilarious moments in the show....... Lol....... Usually from Hamish...... That brute........ :P Hamish: Personal escort of the princess. William Wallace: Aye. Hamish: Musta made an impression. William Wallace: Aye. Hamish: I didn't think you were in the tent that long The ending quote which I love....... "Warrior Poets"....... I love this term....... In the Year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland - starving and outnumbered - charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom. The second show Ive just watched; "I Not Stupid Too"....... I must say that Im very impressed with this show........ Im always skeptic about mandarin movies....... They are usually lame and meaningless....... But this show proves me wrong....... Very wrong indeed........ It accurately depicts what might be the teaching models of typical mums and dads in Singapore....... Busy earning big bucks for what they thought was best for the kids but trading off valuable time that might be spent with the children........ Its hilarious as well....... Especially the Hokkien lines........ The Kopi Tiam exchange between the Kopi Soh and Cheng Cai's dad cracks me up........ LMAO....... Thinking of the short putt thingy got me laughing again........ Anyway, Its really a good show........ I rented "Hotel Rwanda" as well....... One that I missed and yearn to watch......... Completed "Lincoln Lawyer"........ Kinda nice....... I like how Haller trapped that devil shit....... Worth a read....... 7.5/10........ Im currently on "Sophie's World"......... Mind boggling read........ Mentally taxing....... Aristotle, Socrates, Plato........ It takes quite a while to register after a certain lesson........ Slow moving but I learn alot......... Will update again once im done with it......... "The Only Thing I Know, And That Is I Know Nothing" - Socrates - _________________________________________________________________ Friday, August 04, 2006 Hotel California...... One of my favourite and I love it for the acoustic....... A controversial song as well........ Lotsa peepz have several interpretations of the song...... Hell, drugs addiction, satanic church, whore house, mental hospital........ But I came across one that is interesting and Ive never thought of the song in this angle........ By daffyb on 04-13-2002 @ 09:23:11 PM I have a very interesting little story for all of you in regards to this song and it's meaning. About 15 years ago, I was taking an English class in University, and the and the professor of the class had an assignment for us. He handed out a sheet of paper face down to everyone. When we turned it over, we were told to write what we thought the song was about. He added, however, that the song was NOT about a cult so don't even write that. So, basically almost every member of the class then proceeded along the next route....the drugs/addiction metaphors. When we were done, he proceeded to tell us what the song, and the corresponding album were ACTUALLY about. It seems our prof had, at one time, lived in the California area and was very good friends with a certain drummer named Don Henley. Don explained the story behind the song to him, and said he was amused at the wide varieties of interpretations the song had developed over time. According to the source, The "Hotel California" is actually, L.A. itself. The song and album take you on a trip though the music industry in L.A. in the late sixties early seventies, when agents and studios controlled artists like puppets. Back in the late sixties, 1969 to be exact, there was a major onslaught of artists being signed left, right and center, and artisit at the time were often known to basically "sell their soul" to a record company executive in order to get a recording contract. Many times these artists were given little if anything for their music, and thus ended up basically a victom to their love of music. Just imagine the scene at the time, it's late 60's, you are on your way to L.A. to strike it big with dreams of glamour and fame...and you basically are prepared to sell your soul of you have to to attain it. I must admit, when I first heard this explaination, I was a little skeptical...but trust me....listen to the WHOLE album again, start to finish and keep this definition in mind when you do it. Every song ties together in one big story, finishing off with the Last Resort which gives you a clear summery of the whole album and idea. I don't deny that drugs and addiction have a lot to do with the lifestyle and results of the quest for fame. All I ask is to keep an open mind and think of "The Hotel California" as L.A., and you may be surprised. Oh well...... Thats the beauty of metaphor hur...... Nobody really know for sure other than the band...... This song could be a thesis topic yeah....... _________________________________________________________________ Thursday, August 03, 2006 Woooooo....... So this is the online details of how you could donate to the worthy cause of the Children Cancer Foundation........ Follow this link and the rest is easy........ Please donate for the sake of the children yeah.......... 300 odd dollars had been collected through the pledge card but only $20 through the online channel........ Its pathetic....... So please help peepz........ It could go a long way......... Just visit less night spots, less shopping, spend a little less than you should when travelling, miss out on one of the expensive restaurant and the world could be a better place to live in........ :) Been sick for the two days running....... The bouts of flu and cough just wouldnt leave me alone........ Bahhhh........ Aint that bad but it irks me enough....... Completed "Map Of Bones" by James Rollin....... It was great....... A little different from the two books that I have previously read by him........ Theres a slight taste of Dan Brown in there....... A little more historical references and of course much more intellectually written........ Simply, more informative.......... Filled with action throughout....... Riveting read......... 8/10........ Bought "Lincoln Lawyer" by Michael Connelly yesterday......... My first book on him...... Im already more than half on it......... Its good........ The plot starts getting interesting a little more than a quarter out........ Will update once Im done with it......... Going to buy the "Wind-up Bird Chronicles" by Haruki........ His fanstasy work on "Kafka On The Shore" still lingers in my mind......... Will be yet another interesting read......... Just a few days ago, I met up with some of secondary school peepz........ Saw some faces which I haven seen ever since secondary days....... And thats about 8 years out?? Yeah, so it was great to catch up with them........ Especially Shuhui. Shankar and Shiyan whom Ive been missing out all this years......... Chatted till late that day.......... Found out alot more about some of those that wasnt there........ Many already got married or rom-ed........ Wow........ And i meant wow........ All of them gals though....... So all da best to my mates yeah......... School starting about soon........ Awakening from my long summer slumber........ Gotta throw in the coals and get the steam running soon....... Still pretty much the same aim........ To improve my GPA and make the best out of what I could in school........ Talked to Kaushal yesterday at the Ambassador gathering........ Gave me some information and insights........ Interesting........ Will pursue it when the times draw near........ 42km Marathon........ An invitation from the Gsr 8 peepz........ The gals signed up for the 21km and Ad, Zq wanted me on the 42 with them........ I tried running 4 yesterday and im outta breath faster than you reading this last statement......... Im taking in this option at the moment....... But im not sure whether I can commit time into training.......... With SMU Ambassadors and LTB HTA....... These double whammy coupled with 5 modules could drag me to the abyss of the sea with a deadweight on the transcript.......... Gonna tread it carefully............ Gotta have my lunch and maybe get back to the "Lincoln Lawyer"....... Prolly gonna finish it today so I can do more novels shopping later in the evening........ Cheerios peepz....... :) _________________________________________________________________ | ||||||
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