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See through my mind
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happiness is a strange thing....... I feel most happy when my parents are happy....... It doesnt matter how I feel but just by immersing myself in their laugher makes me feel darn good.......

Went for a family dinner with at a sudden mobilization exercise by my mum...... She recalls everyone and decided to head out for a meal...... I thought the buffet was only so so but my parents loved it........ And after that, there was a hokkien "getai" performer called "Wang Lei" that was performing....... He is quite good and got everyone laughing with his funny jokes (all in hokkien)....... So my parents love his show especially its in hokkien......

I feel very happy when there are nights like that....... It just goes to show that my parents are finally out of the ditch called "life"........ They worked very hard to bring up 3 children and one of them happen to be at times very difficult(i.e myself)........

If someone were to ask my parents; "what are your proudest accomplishment?"....... I think they will say that it is the bringing up of their children........ Though I always whine about every little thing but deep down I really really understand the hardship they went through.......

Try bringing up 3 kids with a combined household income of 2ooo....... That will be my parents....... They epitomize the values of honesty and dilligence...... They sacrifice everything they have to make sure we get the best possible within their ability....... Looking at what they went through change my outlook on life...... Its such a powerful and positive change.......

Its nearing the end of my studies and to my parents, it is not just my convocation thats taking place this July but it is their as well...... It is time for them to really take a backseat and enjoy life....... To try eating food thats more than $3 a meal, to try drinking coffee that is worth more than what they earn hourly called Starbucks, to be able to finally to travel out of Singapore other than their honeymoon in Bangkok..........

Mum and Dad: Your duties are done....... It is time for me to step up and assume responsibility in this family....... I want the two of you to be happy always and smiling....... To be able to do what you always want to do and not feel shackled by any material needs....... It is now the job of the children........

I hope we can all be able to make you feel very proud just like how you guys make us feel proud of you....... Thank you Mum and Dad...... I love you.......


posted at 30.3.08 _________________________________________________________________
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