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See through my mind
Monday, July 03, 2006

Testimony Of Yap Kwok Sung (Ray)

I was born into a Buddhist family and was raised in it. I did not know God until my teen's year was over. My exposure to Christianity was almost zilch. My first contact came when I was invited to City Harvest church back in my Secondary school days and the details of how I got invited was vague. Back then, I was taken aback at the service. The "Speaking In Tongue" of the followers were a little too "radical" for me to accept. The cell group leader that invited us was a little too aggressive in trying to rope us in. I was uncomfortable at the whole notion of Christianity.

The hiatus in my Christian contacts persisted for a good many years till cartoons and movie actually breached it. "The Passion Of Christ" was one that struck me. I viewed it with a receptive mind and I actually find it interesting and curious about Lord Jesus Christ. My passion in reading also started about the same time. I started to find out more about the stories in the bible. I was interested in the "stories" in the bible. I love tales and stories.

When I was in Army, I read the bible for the first time in a coincidental situation. A "KJV" bible version was placed on my table in the office. I read it starting from the first page. I couldn’t understand anything. All I read was the bloodline from certain people. I could not make sense of it but it sparked the interest in me. I attempted to ask my men for a bible but it did not materialize. The bible was just forgotten by my men and I did not follow up with it.

It all happened till I met a friend named Natalie. We were getting to know each other more and somehow the topic of Christianity was discussed. She got me my first bible and she brought me to the "Just One Hour" production. I went to a church in Jurong to support her in her choir singing. She brought me to my first service in Wesley. I kept an open mind throughout the whole time. It was also about the same time when Natalie became my girlfriend. It was a time of confusion for me. I am receptive to God but I wanted to be sure of my purpose. I wanted to know more about Him for myself and not for anyone else. I was also then a Buddhist but I force myself to be open and receptive.

I started attending the prayer and praise service with Natalie. It was more of a companionship on my part. I was accompanying her to the service and also to see what Christianity is all about. I did not sing, worship or pray. I just stood there in every service and observed. It was also then that I refrained discussing the topic of Christianity with Natalie. I did not want her to get the wrong idea that I was into Christianity because of her rather than God. I also did not want myself to know God not because of God Himself. I started talking to my other Christian friends; friends that are converted rather than born Christians. I wanted to know why they do it and also it was more comfortable talking to them about it as they would know how I feel and understand my struggle.

I started to read more about the Lord through the internet and got to learn how Christians pray. I started praying for the very first time in one of the service. I started singing in the service as well. I prayed to God about seeking Him. I asked him to show me His presence and way. He answered my prayer in a most unusual way. I was shocked and taken aback. It was a very strange feeling. I was in awe and shock. I started praying to Him more about revealing His majesty to me. I asked Him things like "If you are real and are really there, show me." He answered me someway or another. The most unusual thing about it is. Whenever He answered, I know it is Him that is answering.

It was still a struggle to me. I knew this decision could change my life forever if I am to follow Him. I was still struggling with my own religion. Questions like "If my own God kept me safe and sound throughout this years, what will happened when I forsake them and such." I procrastinated.

Until a particular service, I made a decision. It was the most usual of Sunday. I accompanied Natalie to the prayer and praise service. The struggle I faced was still present. I was in the pre-believer status. I prayed to Him my usual prayer; asking for Him to show Himself so I could believe and follow. The service got on as usual until the sermon which Pastor Khoo Kay Huat delivered to the congregation. Pastor Khoo describe on his own experience, his own experience of Christ stopping him in his death wish and his procrastination of knowing Christ. It was a powerful sermon. Many people felt it, whimper and blowing of noses sounded through the hall. He showed Himself through the words of the sermon and I instinctively knew it was Him. I broke down in tears during the last worship song. It was amazing. It was Him and I knew it. The whole time was cast forever in my memory. Natalie accompanied me to the Sanctuary for me to recollect myself and also due to the fact that it was raining. It was then that I prayed to Him and gave myself to Him. It was a scene that I would never ever forget in my life.

Since then, God has manifest in many areas of my life; studies, family, relationships and life. The journey is never easy but I will go on, I will follow Him. He showed me the simple truth and I am glad that I am saved. I hope this testimony can touch the souls for He has touch me.

End Of Testimony.......

Till this day, I am forever grateful to a couple of people.......
Natalie and Wei Siong....... They supported me through my stuggle and offered help that I need it desperately at that point of time.......

Especially Wei Siong since I haven officially told him this....... Thanks Bro...... :)

And of course to reiterate it to my Dearest and beloved girlfriend; Natalie. Till this day, I am grateful that God had planned her into my life. I love you, Dear...... :)

posted at 3.7.06 _________________________________________________________________
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