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See through my mind
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

*A note from Ray*

This little entry is dedicated to someone whom i hold dear to my heart. Enjoy~~
If you find it incoherent then its not for ya..... :P

*A note from Ray*

- The Fairytale Of Ray -

The crimson yolk hung on the horizon....... The meadow bask and glisten in the rays........ The tributaries of Eilatan meanders like a curvaceous court dancer......... A tower of stones stood tall near the townhall of bustling activities.........

A pleasant maiden goes about her daily marketing and came across a battered and fallen knight at the foot of the tower........
The angelic voice of the maiden chirps like sweet melody.......

"Sire, why are you always here and are you in need of something?"

"Yah man....... i wait for something until sipeh sianz liaoz" ( Disclaimer: The author had no idea why the knight speaks like himself, :P )

"Sire, what is of importance that made you keep vigil by the tower?"

The knight reciprocate the maiden a slightly agitated look.........

"Wah kaoz, why are ya so kay poh? Anyway hor, im keeping vigil for my 'Ma Zi' leh, got one stupid ugly witch go and curse her up on this tower called Reppu Nospmoht."

Maiden squinted her eyes and glances up at the menacing tower that dwarf everything else that she had ever seen before in her life.

"Sire, do you have any plans to save her?"

"DUHHH, Of course, i dont have lah..... Piangz, if not i sit here for what!"

Though the maiden was offended at the knight's figure of speech but she also sympathizes with the plight of the helpless knight. The maiden rushes back to her humble abode and left the knight.

The knight being dense and stupid just kept watch by the tower desperately hoping for a miracle. Days had passed him by and time had sapped the willpower of this knight of valour. The harsh conditions weared the knight gradually and he eventually pass out at the foot of the tower.

But heaven's grace bestowed upon the knight. A kitten by the name of "Clingy" saved the knight through dampening his lips with the river stream and drapping a cloak over the knight to protect against the merciless winds; breaths of death.

Soon, the knight regain consciousness through the meticulous concern of Clingy. The knight had a dream so surreal that he thought it as the reality. The dream foretold a happy ending of him and the princess of his love. The obstacle present upon him was just a test of his resolve and he had passed it with his unwavering loyalty and faith. And a quote was given to him as a gift.

A soothing voice was calling out to him in the dream.

"My lord, dont die in the war zone. A knight must emerge victorious in reference to both"

The knight deem the dream as a sign of hope and instilled once again his confidence as a knight of honour and valour.

As soon as the day break, another miracle seems to be surfacing like a oasis in the desert.

A horde of bald women of all ages was heading towards him holding a very long lasso made of hair. The knight recognized the little maiden at the front of the pack. The baldness just goes to highlight the little maiden's beauty.

"Sorry for the late arrival, Sire. These are the women of our tribes and through the planning skills acquired during a 3 days long course, we had managed to devise a gadget for you to rescue your lady."

The maiden hands over the lasso and the knight held it firmly with his hands. The knight was grateful beyond words and just look into the lovely eyes of the maiden matching with the teary ones of his.

The knight returned the favour with a pair of priceless earrings, a necklace and a little black pouch.

Without delay, the knight cast the lasso aiming for the small window of the tower. Using the last strength of his, the knight climbed up the tower and rescued the princess of his love.

The bald ladies celebrated the triumphant knight. Everyone rejoiced upon hearing the news of the reunion. The mood was festive and joyful.

Only one person cried at the moment.

The knight went down on his kneels and looked up to the blue cloudy skies. And prayed under his breath.

"Thank you for giving her to me. A course, a pressie and a cat tied me to her and im grateful for it"

posted at 21.6.05 _________________________________________________________________
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