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See through my mind
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Bah...... The current nick on my MSN is "Behind The Facade Of Mankind Is Atrocity". The first ugly sight i encountered today was at the Sundac home. Theres this irritating Air Con technician turned trainer in the home. On a serious note, i would simply said that he manhandled the intellectually disabled clients.

A client was trying to get pass between a pillar and a chair on which that trainer was seated on. A scum with even some form of humility will also pull in the chair and allowed the poor client to pass. However, that bastard trainer actually pushed out the chair and squeeze the poor guy between the chair and the pillar. Oh man, even in the name of fun, you wont wanna do that on an intellectually disabled. Such mother fucker actually exist........... And yeah, his attitude totally sucks to the core......... And thats agreed among all my LTB group mates.......... Rot in hell, fucker...........

The second was kinda controversial.......... As i was walking to the bus stop with Shermaine, a bespectacled guy approached us on some restaurant coupon in the name of charity.......... Im always skeptical about this kinda of charity drive. I always questioned whether the main bulk of the profit actually goes into the pockets of evil capitalist or the beneficiaries.

I glanced into a file in which certain information about this charity drive was about. A third clause in which i saw; "30% of the sales will go into the association".

I instinctively shot him with a "where the 70% of the sales goes?" He answered this rather well arguing that the funds would go on to support the misc funds incurred by the volunteers liked transportation, meals and such.......... I go on asking a few more questions about the organization and such........... He couldnt managed to reply directly at the question but instead keep pushing for his products........ At this stage, i got real skeptical and told him straight off in the face that i wont buy as the intent of the "Charity Drive" seems so conspicuous already........ Im quite certain that a certain amount made from the sales would go into charitable purposes. However, how much of the pie is what im after?? If you wanna do a charity drive, please be transparent in the accounting........... And consumers will be glad to do business........ bah............

I dont wanna add caviar to the lobster meal of any capitalist out there..............

I may be judgemental here........... And in fact i felt kinda guilty as the charity drive might just be genuine and the zestful guy trying to contribute to the greater good could very well be spending his holiday to volunteer...............

But as i lay the cards on the table, i may very well be right in my judgement hur..........

Fact 1:
The boy claimed to be a volunteer and could not give the address of the organization but could only provide the particulars of the company.
Maybe im ignorant here but i cant think of any instance in which peepz volunteered their services to a company and not the organization itself.

Fact 2:
When Shermaine wanted to place a certain amount of donation, he insist that she buy the coupon instead of the donations.
Maybe its the policy of the charity drive but hey any small amount counts right? In the right business sense, it just makes no sense.......... Bah..........

Fact 3:
Instead of answering queries, he kept on harping on the purchase of the product
It just seems like some hard pushing sales tactics. Remember dude, its for the greater good and not the product.

Lol, the fourth is a hypothetical one and im ready to be flamed for this...........
Fact 4:
He looks just the age for a boy that just completed his O' level and doing some vacation job while awaiting results.
Thats fit the bill for a commission based job when he claimed he isnt paid for this........

Lol, flame me peepz..............

posted at 15.2.05 _________________________________________________________________
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