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See through my mind
Monday, October 25, 2004

Sigh~~~ Why is my family so screwed up?? Why is the basis of the family revolves around money, money and more money rather than love,kinship and concern??

I feel this more and more especially when i finally thought im much mature and actually start thinking about the relationship between my family.

It sucks and it hurts whenever i think about it.

Every questions and "concern" seems to have a hidden message embedded. And its done so blatantly that it aint called hidden anymore.

Hey mum, i might be going to Cambodia for YEP( Youth Expedition Project). I thought i could be shower with praise as im there for a worthy cause; to help out the folks in living hell out in Cambodia. Instead the comments i got back was so hurtful and discouraging. I though Sis could have understand it but she was too, oblivious to the cause of this.

Sigh~~~ i had this conversation with Bro before about bridging the mindset of the family. It a vast difference we have here. Extreme ends on the polarity. I wish Bro back from Japan. At least his the only soul mate i regarded and respected. Its only him that could see through the material and superficial layer. How pathetic........... One outta four........ Sucks real bad.........


posted at 25.10.04 _________________________________________________________________
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