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See through my mind
Thursday, April 15, 2004

A break suddenly declared by OC. But nothing in these world for free though. Gotta gate crash several country clubs today to get information on whether the venue suitable for holding the Infantry Dinner. Would wait for Ismail to call before meeting the team members.

Yesterday while doing area cleaning, Leon cleared the myth about what the latest TV series 'OC' meant. Somebody blurted out Orientation Camp before but what its actually meant was 'Orange County'.

Two more chapter to go before completing the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Very interesting book and what i really liked best about the book that it stimulates my mind to think. And lotsa of inspiring quotes to learn from. Would blog them down once the book done with.

Gotta indulge in a nice hot shower ya......

posted at 15.4.04 _________________________________________________________________
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